Your fat loss journey made simple in 90 days

  • Overcome the anxiety of finding the right first steps.

  • Boost your confidence by finally making progress in your journey.

  • Diminish self hate and create a routine full of energy and happiness.


  • You’ve looked online for all of the health options you could find and just end up feeling overwhelmed by it all

  • You’re craving sugary and fatty foods and just can’t seem to commit to an eating plan.

  • Low motivation or trouble even starting something - there’s just no clear goal or direction

  • You’re bloated all the time and have trouble digesting food no matter what you eat

  • You’re waking up already tired and exhausted even though you’ve slept for what you thought was enough.

  • You lack structure and routine - things like waking up at 6am and sleeping on time seem next to impossible.

  • You’re skipping meals constantly and when you do eat, it’s gigantic meals all at once

  • You keep starting new plans over and over again, all to feel terrible that you can’t keep up

  • Trouble concentrating throughout the day on work and on personal matters - just constant brain fog.


The lists of things we seem to want to do is always on the other side of better health. From the food we eat to the pain we feel in our shoulders, it’s all dependent on this thing we call health.

But chances are, you probably knew that already…

You’ve been looking at health trends for a long time, you probably start wonder what life would look like if you finally started to eat better, workout, and have the awesome morning and evening routine you’ve been dreaming of.

You put together some courage to start and finally strive towards your goal but when you do you’re faced with a sense of confusion and overwhelming doubt because well, what’s so different this time?

You’ve been looking at health trends for a long time, you probably start wonder what life would look like if you finally started to eat better, workout, and have the awesome morning and evening routine you’ve been dreaming of.

And then the worst part?

You feel like you already know what you need to do, but you just can’t seem to put together a solid plan or trust yourself on whether it’s actually the right place to start.

And then there’s the accountability itself

Because even with the perfect plan, you still don’t know how to keep yourself accountable and consistent on this new journey.

You want to create a healthy life that’s all your own without having to sacrifice any of the things you actually love.


Trust me, I’ve been there too.

Hey there, my name is
Andy Vo

(But you probably already knew that)

I’m a full time Health and Personal Growth content creator and coach, and a recovering Coffee Addict.

When I first started my fat loss and personal growth journey, I had NO IDEA what I was doing.

Even with all of the healthy food, workouts, and google searches, I just couldn’t figure out what to do to make it long term and worthwhile.

At the time I had an ambitious goal of losing weight, getting shredded, finding my life’s purpose and finding all of the secrets of the universe.

Every time I would start my journey again I would make a little bit of progress but ultimately, I never had a solid plan or the clarity on how I was going to make it to the finish line.

I’d spend hours upon hours looking for the right diet, doing endless cardio in the gym, and suffocating myself in all of the Youtube videos I could find. I’d lose a few pounds here and there but nothing ever long-lasting or was enough for me to stick to.

My strategy was just to try everything until I found what works for me but truthfully, there was always a desperation and a fear that I never would find that one thing.

But as I began to try different things and dive more into personal development, I began to see progress and I began to understand what fat loss is all about.



  • Obsessing over my food and putting it into a calorie counting app just to feel discouraged ta the end of the day

  • Hop onto the newest diet and workout trends that I know I wouldn’t have only done for about a week anyway

  • Use fitness and nutrition as a way to cover up deeper issues like people pleasing and toxic relationships

  • Look for the next superfood or “one exercise you need to do to lose weight” videos on Youtube


  • Start with the basics like your morning routine, boundaries, evening routines, and recovery before diving into the the nitty gritty

  • Create space for your health first. Your life may not be conducive to health yet, but once you create space for it, there will be less you have to sacrifice.

  • Understand your why. Not just “I want to lose 20lbs”, but why and what does it truly mean to you?

  • Understand and appreciate the slow growth of it all, it didn’t take you 3 months to get to where you are and it won’t take 3 months to fix

Introducing the 90 Day


Your coaching program designed to help you finally reach your fat loss destination

  1. Create habits that not only bring you more energy but ones that you can be proud of.

  2. Finally feel comfortable in your own skin and begin actually feeling like you.

  3. Eliminate and reduce self-hate while creating lasting confidence.

RFL is designed to help you build the routine and foundation you need to finally make health a habit that’s unique and distinct to you.

You won’t receive any cookie cutter plan, any fad diets, or any crazy superfoods that keep promising you instant results.

Instead, you’ll be getting a personal look on your health, an in-depth analysis on why you’ve kept on failing, and how together, we can begin creating the healthy life you’ve always been reaching for without any of the gimmicks.



Phase 1 - Foundation

In this phase we’re focusing on bringing balance back to your health and energy. In phase 1 you can expect things like:

  • Personalized Nutrition - Using our assessments from phase 1, we create a nutrition plan for you taking into account individual needs, digestive guidelines, and of course your long term goal.

  • Personalized Training - No matter what type of equipment you have access to, even if you have nothing, our personalized training plan will make sure you get the most out of your movement.

  • Personalized Supplementation Recommendations - Using supplementation unique to your lifestyle, we can speed up your foundation and ensure you go even beyond where your health was before.

  • Weekly Accountability & Guidance Sessions - Plans change and mistakes happen. In these sessions we change and optimize your plan to better fir your ever-evolving lifestyle.

Phase 0 - Roadmap Creation

During this phase we set up the rest of your journey by drawing out as clear of a map as possible. Here in this phase you can expect things like:

  • Goal Setting & Clarity Session - Here we spend 60-90 min together in a goal setting session to redefine your focus, give you some momentum, and your why to your goal.

  • Personalized Assessments - From neurotransmitter tests to digestive appraisals, from biomechanical assessments to everyday energy reviews, we use a variety of personalized assessments to understand where exactly we need to start and what steps are right for you.

  • Resource library introduction - Here we introduce the knowledge and little tips you may need to speed up your journey. In this library you can expect movement, nutrition, and holistic lifestyle advice.

Phase 2 - Restoration

In this phase we’re aiming to improve your body’s natural process of recovery and restoration. In phase 2 you can expect things like:

  • Personalized Sleep Optimization - A sleep and bedtime routine unique to you. Here we talk the big 3 in sleep and utilize biohacks from our library to help you recover as well as possible.

  • Personalized Stress Management - Here we explore different strategies to help alleviate stress in your everyday life. From meditation to mindfulness practices, gratitude to setting boundaries, we’ll find one that works for you.

  • Weekly Accountability & Guidance Sessions - Plans change and mistakes happen. In these sessions we change and optimize your plan to better fir your ever-evolving lifestyle.

Phase 3 - Optimization

In our final phase we incorporate all the other aspects of your health in order to not only accelerate your health but also to achieve personal growth. Here you can expect things like:

  • Mindset and Beliefs - Have you ever done really well in your health and at some point you begin to self sabotage? We explore the reasons to your relapses and how to eliminate them for the future.

  • Gut Health and Biohacks - Your gut health can say a lot about the rest of your life. Here we optimize your gut health and digestion through proven protocols and biohacks recommended based on your unique situation.

  • Future Proofing - Plans and accountability can only help you for so long. Here we begin to look at the habits you need and create a success routine so that you can maintain this transformation for life.


Here is a list of features we’ll be utilizing in the RHFL program to help you reach your goals:

  • Weekly 45 Min Check Ins and Accountability/Guidance Sessions - What’s the point of a 12 week plan if you mess up in week 1? Here we pivot and change in plans if things haven’t been going perfect.

  • Personalized Movement, Nutrition, and Sleep Optimization Plans - Plans unique to you no matter your situation.

  • Email and Text Support - Problem in the middle of the week? No worries, message me anytime in our private app to ask questions and to stay on track.

  • Private Messaging and Training App - No need to go and find the information yourself, we have it all provided for you in our private apps


“I'm enjoying cooking for myself, loving the knowledge of what I'm eating and how it's affecting me, my entire relationship with food has changed. There's no forcing myself to eat healthier.

I have far more energy, more accountability for my own actions, my mindset has improved, sleep schedule is better, and have shed an excess ten (10) lbs.” - Penny R.

“I love that our journey didn't start at weights and a meal plan. It started with the foundations: stress management, sleep, water, etc. Aside from that, I am grateful that you take the time to get to know your clients and build a trusting relationship with them, and go above and beyond just weekly zoom calls.

The pacing of the program is very different. You work from the inside out and get your clients mentally fit before jumping into the physical part of the program. I also love that its not a "one size fits all" program and everything is catered to our goals” - Sarab A.

“Andy is hands down a "tackle and improve life" coach. When I first came to Andy, I was drawn to his weight-loss journey and story, and how I wanted the same for myself. Unlike most coaches out there, Andy is someone who looks at health holistically, and not just physically. Mental health, physical health, emotional health, etc - these are all areas Andy works to help you improve in so you have a well-rounded health journey.

Andy feels like a great friend that gives superb life advice. Other coaches I have felt in the past were just that, coaches. I often felt intimidated by them, and never really established a good relationship that fostered success. With Andy I have always felt comfortable talking candidly about my health goal, and even when I haven't succeeded in something. There never has been any judgement from Andy which makes him immensely different from other people and coaches.” - Jess M.

Andy Here!

Unfortunately, I couldn’t fit everyone’s testimonial in this section otherwise it would be way too long for you to go through but hopefully this video gives you a better sense of the journey we go through and the connections we make!

Other Coaching Programs

  • Gives you the “5 best foods to cure your weight loss” templates

  • Assumes you already have all of the foundation in place to add health onto your already busy schedule

  • Gives you a 12 week program and says “see you later”

  • You’re not heard and are given a generalized plan - the cookie cutter kind

So what makes this different from the other 1,846,621 coaching programs out there?

Restorative Fat Loss

  • Creates personalized routine and unique structure just for you and and your needs by actually getting to know you, your problems, your blocks, and all of the reasons why it’s never worked for you before.

  • Helps you create space in your life so you can add health without having to sacrifice the things you love to do. Whenever we add health into our lives, there will be something else that need to be changed in order for it to fit; we take that into account when creating your plan.

  • Is there with you every step of the way helping you pivot and calibrate as life changes and unfolds. I’m with you every step of the way providing guidance and calibration because what’s the point of a 12 week plan if you already screwed up week 1?

  • Your problems and situations are unique to you. From people pleasing to simply not knowing how to navigate your busy schedule properly, we find the solutions that fit YOUR unique and circumstantial needs.

is perfect for you if:

You’re overwhelmed with so much information and don’t know where to start

You want someone to walk you through the first steps and ensure those first steps are actually the right ones for you. You’re tired of getting lost in the sauce and struggling with information overload.

You’re looking for more than just a nutrition and workout plan

Sure what you eat and how you move are important but you want more than that. You want structure, organization, and some order back in your life.

You understand and appreciate slow growth over instant results

You’ve been at this long enough that you know results don’t come right away, you want slow and steady progress that stays for life, not progress that disappears within a few months. You want slow growth.

You’re ready to learn and put in the work for your health and personal development

You understand that no journey comes easy and you’re willing to go through some levels of discomfort in order to finally get to the life you’ve always dreamt of.

is NOT perfect for you if:

You’re looking for quick fixes and expect immediate results

You’re not willing to dive deep and understand the true problems within your health

You’re not ready to put in the work for your health and personal development

You’re looking for templates and cookie cutter plans to just blindly follow

Still on the fence?

I totally get it, a health journey can be very intimidating and very scary to start, especially with a guy you only know from videos and a website page. If you have any other questions, feel free to book a call anyway so we can answer your questions, or perhaps send me an email at so you can have those questions answered sooner!