Mastering your morning routine

Have your morning routines sucked recently? It happens to everyone truthfully. A few late nights here, a few missed alarms there and all of a sudden you've gone a month without actually even having a routine to begin with. Let's fix that with some simple things you can start doing in the morning.

🚀Set Intentions: What is it exactly that you want to get done today? Set the day on a positive note and define the goal and feeling you want by the end of the day.

🚀Energize Your Body: Some light movement can work wonders. 20 squats in the kitchen while you're waiting for coffee can be a real game changer. (I know because my clients do it all the time)

🚀Nourish Your Body: Intermittent fasting is cool and all but so is having enough energy so you don't hit the afternoon crash. Have a good breakfast with lean proteins and veggies.

🚀Cultivate Mindfulness: Take a moment to practice deep breathing, meditation, or journaling to quiet your mind and reduce stress, it might be exactly what you need before jumping into a busy day.

🚀Feed Your Curiosity: The morning is the perfect time to learn, especially if you want to feel accomplished right in the morning. Set some Youtube videos aside for your morning curiosity, you'll find you end up incorporating lessons into your day.

A morning ritual is your personal journey, so customize it to fit your preferences. Experiment, find what resonates with you, and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine. If it’s more personal, it’s easier to stick to.


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